Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Ello Regina (:

Regina (: is back.

Hey human of the earth, it's been millions and billions and trillions of years since the last time I blogged.
Seriously, it broke the last Regina's record, lol.
Okay, cut the craps off. This is just a short post on what's-up.

Well, as most of you all know it's holiday right now. And then next week exam would start, and stop and start and stop. It would officially end on the 24th of October. Which is also the premier of High School Musical 3. Oh god, i'm getting out of the topic.

So, I was like studying and studying for the few past days, and also the following day and so on. Now I only realized I've put in quite a lot of effort in the last term of exam. Dear Fairy God Mother, I've been a good girl, grant my wish please ? lame.

And not to forget, I've been learning piano too. Miracle eh ? Not going for tuition as I hoped so, but by watching How-To from Youtube. I know, it's like impossible to learn. But well, I've done Apologize and Love Song. haha, would be learning others song soon !

Alright now, better get a move before mummy comes up and shout at my ears, 'WHY ARE YOU NOT STUDYING ?!' Ciaoz.