Sunday, October 5, 2008

taggies :]

Tagged by Suzanne ! (:

State the top 5 blogs that you read the most.
1. Yen Theng's blog
2. Mr. A-Z's blog
3. Wen Cai's blog
4. Mern Jo's blog
5. Mayyan's blog

What are your relationship between those bloggers?
The first and fourth is Best Friends Forever.
The second one is an extraodinary friend, hehe.
The third one is classmate, 2A12. And and the fifth one is friend.
Complicated ? Nah.

Give reason(s) why you like to read their blogs. (you can give as many reasons as you like)
For the first blog, I like it cause it's always interesting and those english, are so pro-.
In fact, I don't need to say it's proper english too. Not to forget there are photos !
For the second blog, hmm. Seriously, I don't have a reason why, but I just like to. lol, craps.
For the third blog, her blog has idk. American accent ? And also with photos !
For the fourth blog, I like to know what's on her mind, what's she's thinking.
Cause maybe sometimes there are arguements or misunderstanding, umm yeah that's it.
For the fifth blog, it's pinky ! lol. And and it's always so funny, and photos and proper english.

Tag the top 5 bloggers and put links on each of their name.
1. Yen Theng
2. Mr. A-Z
3. Wen Cai
4. Mern Jo
5. Mayyan

lol, that's the shortest tag I ever done.

And not to forget ...


And the exam is coming fast. Well, I just wanna say ...

Good Luck People ! (:

Ciaoz, gotta continue mugging books.