Friday, August 15, 2008

i hate holi?

Yay! BOO, holidays.

Idk. why I just hate holidays, especially this one which is coming on. Sorry for those who just LOVE holidays. I have lots and lots of stuff to do and my time table are just full! I can't finish all my revision, it's only a week of resting. Owh sorry i've typed wrong, not RESTING, it's more like having school on holidays! All subject's of teachers are ordered to give homework, holidays homework. Duhh.

And and, the one thing that I most afraid of is coming real soon. The last term exam, which is really really important for everyone. It decides whether you stay or out! I'm afraid I might, so I'm starting revision. I don't wany any last minutes case already ):

Besides that, I'm afraid the plan wouldn't be going on well also. What to do? I've made that plan since March, i think? What if it really don't go like like the plan, what will happen? There are no plan B already laa, I really hope things would be unique and special. God, help! ):