Acceptance is the key to be,
To be truly free. - Unconditionally, Katy Perry.
Today had been one of the best... if not good, days I've had in this entire wrecked-up week. On the way to cheer practice I messaged him, "Call me crazy or anything. But would you like to join me for lunch?"
I didn't really care whether doing so was right.. or wrong, I just knew that it was something I had to do. Something that I'm sure would make both of us feel tad bit better.
And it did, we started talking, really just talking. I didn't have stress-free conversations like this in a while, so it definitely felt nice. Out of all the things that we said, one of it that stayed in my head is when you said, "Even though sometimes love means letting go, most of the time.. I mean, a lot of times when it comes back, it becomes stronger than ever before."
Perhaps this is a chance to let us.. fall in love all over again :)
And, I like you calling me Reggie, cause nobody else calls me that.