Friday, September 19, 2008


Tagged by Mr. A-Z ! :D

State the top seven of your friends and answer the following questions.
1. Yen Theng
2. Xiang Ting
3. Mern Jo
4. Mr. A-Z
5. Kok Jun
6. Wai Sum
7. Yew Onn

1. Is number 6 your best friend?

2. Are you in love with number 2?
Totally :P

3. Have you ever lied to number 4?
Hmm. Yes ? :X

4. Do you know a secret about number 7?
Yes I guess ?

5. Describe the relationship between number 7 and number 5.
Just friends.

6. What is the best thing about number 3?
She's prettay and adorable like hell :P

7. What is the worst thing about number 1?
Idk. why I can't think of one.

8. When was the last time you saw number 5?
Er, yesterday.

9. Describe the relationship between number 1 and number 3?

10. Have you ever danced with number 7?

11. How long have you known number 4?
One year.

12. Have number 2 and number 7 ever dated?
HAHA, yes ! :DD

13. Have you ever done drugs with number 1?
No and never !

14. Have you ever been in a fight with number 3?

15. Does number 6 have a boyfriend/girlfriend?
Idk :P

16. Have you ever been a co-worker with number 3?
No, we're students.

17. Have you ever wanted to punch number 2 in the face?
Yes ? lol, jkjk.

18. Has number 1 ever met your mother?

19. How did you meet number 6?
Same class in Form 1.

20. Did you ever accidentally physically hurt number 5?
Er, no ?

21. Has number 2 ever seen you naked?

22.What is the best memory you have with number 1?
Too much ! :D

23. What is one of number 4's best qualities?
Hmm. Sweet guy ! :P

24. Do you live close to 7?
Nah, I don't even know where he lives :/

25. What is number 2's favorite food?
Erm , everything ? :DD

26. Out of your top 7, which one would you say is the funniest?
My number 1 !

27. Who is the most flirtatious?
Mern Jo I guess ? :D

28. What do you think of number 3?
You're adorable, mon cherie.

29. How long have you known number 5 for?
One year ?

30. Which one of your top 7 friends drinks the most or goes out?
Drinks the most - ? Goes out the most - Xiang Ting ! I envy her.

31. Which one of your top 7 friends is the best dresser?
Overall, Xiang Ting.

32. If you could change one thing about number 7, what would it be?
Add in more confidence.

33. Say something nice about number 1.
She has the power to change me, rofl.

34. Which one of your top 7 friends lives the farthest away from?
Mern Jo in Salak South.

35. Which one of your top 7 friends do you hang out with the most?
Number 1 , 2 , 3.

36. Out of your top 7 friends, who is the loudest?
Number 1 , hahah.

37. The quietest?
Wai Sum ?

38. What is one quality about number 7 that you admire?
He sings so well !

39. What kind of car does number 4 have?
I don't know, toy car maybe ? rofl.

40. What is your fondest memory of number 6?
In 1A12``07 !

41. Have you traveled anywhere with number 2?
No ):

42. If you gave number 4 $100 dollars tonight, what would they spend it on?
Buy me presents ! Nah, he wouldn't cause he's a fishmonger, he sell-fish. lol, craps.

43. What is number 6's best quality?
Helpful !

44. Would you kiss number 1?
Yes, if I am lesbian and so is she.

45. How did you meet number 7?
Through Xiang Ting of course !

46. If you had to buy number 5 a gift, what would you choose to give him/her?
Ugh, I hate thinking guys' present, frustrated.

47. Does number 2 drink?
She's un-alcoholic.

48. Describe number 1 in two words.
Closest Friend !

49. Describe number 3 in two words.
Best Friend !

And the 7 lucky person is : Yen Theng, Xiang Ting, Suzanne, Mayyan, Wen Cai, Li Yueng and whoever.